“Analysts predicted it would die. Instead, the film has seen its daily take rise.”
– Imdb.com
“Word-of-mouth …has fueled its fire.”
– Failedsuccess.com
$300 Million worldwide box office
– boxofficemojo.com
“Analysts predicted it would die. Instead, the film has seen its daily take rise.”
– Imdb.com
“Word-of-mouth …has fueled its fire.”
– Failedsuccess.com
$300 Million worldwide box office
– boxofficemojo.com
As The Polar Express cruised into the top 10 movies of the year at the box office, executives at rival studios marveled…Within the industry, the odds against Polar Express succeeding seemed so long that one executive…made a bet that the movie wouldn’t get past $80 million. But Warner Bros. expects it to reach $170 million and possibly more. “We reached out in our group sales effort to schools, religious organizations and corporate groups,” said Warner Bros’ head of distribution, Dan Fellman.
Is The Polar Express an evangelical film? You’d certainly think so, considering the expansive campaign that Lauer unfurled in the Christian media this fall.